Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Sad Day for Writer's Digest Magazine

So I was browsing through the magazines at my local Barnes and Noble this afternoon when I noticed the current issue of Writer's Digest. This issue had their yearly list of the "101 Best Web Sites for Writers." I had to look.

I agree with some of their choices: Absolute Write, Agent Query, Agent Research,, Fiction Factor, Google (my favorite search engine!), NaNoWriMo (yes, I did this last year), Preditors and Editors, Ralan's SpecFic & Humor Webstravaganza, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Toasted Cheese, Writers Weekly, and I have experience with all of these web sites, either as a participant or as a lurker who has gleaned valuable information about the publishing world. Toasted Cheese is a lit mag which publishes very good poetry and short fiction.

I did, however, find the inclusion of one site to be troubling, That site is I have encountered--and blogged about--the webmistress of that site before, and a friend of mine was a member of that site (which shall not be linked to on my blog). Horrible experiences all around. Swearing, name calling, the throwing about of accusations--all from the webmistress with the slippery grasp of English grammar, spelling, and reading comprehension. It's dissapointing to see such poor site get a mention when I can think of half a dozen other sites that provide better information and a more supportive learning environment than that one.


yngathrrt said...

I heard about this and could not believe it either. Wonder how that happened? BTW, what rank did that site come in, or do they do it per rank?

All in all though, the site is really pretty good, and I have always said that. Well put together and easy to navigate. The problem with the site is the site owner.


Julie Doe said...

Hi Katie,

I don't think they rank the sites #1 through #100. They do break the sites up into categories, and Rosie's was under "Writing Sites." The entire list is up at
